Monday 1 April 2013

What Is Defiance? – Tips For Beginners Of This MMO-- Learn From The Defiance Guru Guide--Definitely The Top Most One.


The Defiance MMO is ready to launch on April 2nd and if you have played the BETA you will know that it is a lot different to standard MMORG’s. The main difference of course is that it is a shooter. The first massive multiplayer shooter and it pairs the multiplayer leveling aspect with a third person shooter.

This post will give you some pointers if you are new to the game and how you can get to grips with the game as soon as it launches.

The first thing we will cover is one of the main features of the game and that is EGO. EGO you will be introduced to early in the game and basically it gives you super powers that you can use while playing. The key is that you need to pick the right EGO power to compliment your playstyle.

As well as picking one of four EGO powers you will get perks that allow you to increase what you can do with that EGO power. Think of perks as “add-ons” to each EGO power.

The four EGO Powers and there effects are:

Blur – This will provide you with a boost of speed for a limited time.

Cloak – This will make you invisible to enemies for a short while.

Decoy – This will create a copy of yourself to distract the enemy and they will end up shooting at your copy.

Overcharge – Will give you a bonus to your ammo of your selected weapon.

Once you get your first EGO power you will then be able to unlock more powers that compliment that Ego power called Perks. You will see a grid and you will be able to pick perks that are adjacent to each other.

As you go through the game and you keep on unlocking perks you will eventually be able to select an EGO power and have perks that are not related to that EGO power.

For an example of how a Perk works there is one called “Crash Test Dummy” and this is a Blur perk. If you choose this perk you will have reduced impact when hit by a vehicle and of course all the powers you get from the standard Blur EGO power.

For another example there is “Hunker Down” and this is a Cloak Perk – if you choose this one you will be harder to hit when crouched.

EGO Powers and perks will make up a huge part of the game and your playstyle once it is launched as you will want to pick EGO powers that compliment your skills. If you are an all-out “charge and kill” sort of person you might want to go for Blur. If you are more tactical you might want to try Decoy.

Then of course you will be able to make hybrid builds that use a combination of perks for 2 EGO powers.

EGO powers will have a big part of how you fare in the battlefield and of course weapons that we will speak about at a later date.

For A COMPLETE Strategy Guide Covering Weapons, EGO Powers, Perks And Mission Guides Head Over To >> The Defiance Guru Guide

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